About Diana

Hi, I'm Diana! I live in Washington state with my husband Calvin and my cockatiel Patty.

Diana, Calvin (husband) and Patty (Cockatiel)

I want to help you with working at home, family caregiving, and end-of-life planning. I know those are varied topics, but they all have been a huge part of my life for the past ten years:

  • My mom moved in with us in 2005 after her second husband passed away. Over the years, her health declined. I quit my full-time job to stay home and take care of her in 2015.

  • I earned money by blogging and selling products on Amazon, Etsy, and other marketplaces.

  • Because I worked for myself, I was able to take time off to provide care for my mother, husband, and out-of-town dad when they needed it.

  • However, I suffered from severe caregiver burnout in early 2023. I stopped writing new blog posts and didn't spend very much time on my online businesses. As a result, my income went down significantly.

  • On March 23, 2024, I ate my last dinner with my mother. A few hours later, in the middle of the night, she called me and said she thought she had a stroke. That was the beginning of her end. Fifteen days later, she passed away.

My mother in the dining room - February, 2024.

Her death hit me hard. My heart is broken.

During the last two weeks of her life, there were health and medical things that I wish I had known about the last days before death. There were decisions to be made with little time to think about them. I wish we could go back in time and do things differently.

Family caregiving, earning money, and death are part of life and can be TOUGH. Some parts of my past ten years were extremely difficult. Other parts were easier compared to what many other families have experienced.

I'm not an expert, but I want to share my experiences and knowledge with you. I hope it makes your similar tough periods a little bit easier.

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