
Hello, I'm Diana, and welcome to the Second Half Dreams (SHD) blog!

I started SHD in 2013 and wrote mostly about Amazon FBA, low-content books, print-on-demand, and printables.

In May 2023, I stopped writing due to caregiver burnout and a few other reasons. Life has changed now, and I'm ready to write again.

At this time, I plan to write about my online businesses and end-of-life planning. However, I may include random topics too!

I hope you stick around while I share what I'm learning and doing with you!

The New Second Half Dreams

Some of you may have noticed that this website looks different!

What's up with that?

The old website had a lot of tech problems that I didn't know how to solve. Plus, many of my blog posts contained outdated information.

I often provided tutorials on the tools that I used. However, some of those tools no longer exist. And for the ones that are still around, the user interface is most likely different today than how it's shown in the older blog posts.

Therefore, instead of pulling my hair out trying to fix the technical issues on a website full of outdated blog posts, I made the decision to start fresh!

In June 2024, I said "good-bye" to WordPress and "hello" to FreedomKit! They are hosting this website, and so far, I'm happy with them!

The "old" Second Half Dreams home page displayed on a lptop sc

Where Are the "Old" Blog Posts?

The old SHD website had 9 years of blog posts! Fortunately, I was able to save them all. I plan on reviewing them, and if the content is still relevant or just needs a few updates, I'll republish them on this new site.

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